Forget fiction. Home buying is a real life hero’s journey.

Susie Wyshak is the wizened real estate agent in a hero's journey to home

Do you feel like home buying has its ups and downs and winding road with plenty obstacles and hopefully triumphs?

Congratulations! You are living Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey — the story of adventure, challenge and “finding home” that you see in every hit movie (think: Nemo, Ice Age, Star Wars, Under the Tuscan Sun, Wizard of Oz, Emily in Paris, and yes all of the Hallmark movies).

In real life, the Wall Street Journal featured the story of an American family that took the plunge and bought a castle in France. Great story that is a perfect example of how home buying really is like the Hero’s Journey.

How much more fun could home buying be if you see the process as your very own hero’s journey that is life? He’s how Joseph Campbell describes the journey in The Hero With a Thousand Faces:

“The mythological hero, setting forth from his common-day hut or castle, is lured, carried away, or else voluntarily proceeds, to the threshold of adventure. There he encounters a shadow presence that guards the passage. The hero may defeat or conciliate this power and go alive into the kingdom of the dark (brother-battle, dragon-battle; offering, charm), or be slain by the opponent and descend in death (dismemberment, crucifixion).”

Intrigued? By understanding the hero’s journey, we can create what will become a legendary success story. (Please call me in for an audition as the wise elder!)

1. Your story begins in the Ordinary World.

Every hero’s journey begins with you, the hero of your life story, in your “ordinary life.”

You may be in a home you own but that you’re grown out of.

Or perhaps you are living at home with family or renting a cramped, outdated apartment in the city, frustrated by rising rent, noise, and lack of space. You long for a peaceful home but are overwhelmed by the daunting housing market and the idea of buying a house.

2. The Call to Adventure

One day, while scrolling through endless home listings, you see a charming cottage in a small town that sparks a glimmer of hope. Then you read an article someone who ditched city life for a small town and wonder: “Is this what I really want? Is this a sign?

However, you’re unsure if you’re ready to make such a big leap from city life to the quiet suburbs or rural setting.

After all, companies are calling workers back to the office. Would moving to another state or up in Grass Valley (where so many people have moved from the Bay Area) make sense?

3. Refusal of the Call to Adventure

You hesitate, thinking about all the challenges: financial strain, leaving behind city conveniences, leaving friends, your favorite cafe, fear of change.

Doubts creep in—what if the process is too difficult, you give up your place in the city and can’t move back, or you never find the right home?

4. Meeting Your Mentor (Susie!)

Enter the wizened real estate agent — maybe someone like me —an experienced, kind, and wise guide who has seen it all and experienced this Home Buyer Hero’s Journey first-hand. (If this were the Karate Kid, think Mr. Miyagi.)

She listens to the buyer’s concerns, shares stories of past successes, and reassures them that the path to homeownership is achievable with patience and resilience. She offers practical tips, a network of resources, and a deep understanding of the housing market.

5. Crossing the Threshold

The buyer takes a leap of faith and starts seriously searching for homes, armed with the agent’s advice.

You visit open houses, review neighborhoods, and learn the ins and outs of mortgage loans. There’s excitement, but also fear of the unknown.

6. Tests, Allies, and Enemies

The process proves difficult: bidding wars, interest rate fluctuations, houses that look better in photos, skyrocketing prices, undisclosed issues, and the emotional rollercoaster of near-successes and disappointments.

Do you give up? No!

Throughout, the real estate agent remains a steady ally, offering guidance and expertise while navigating the complexities of offers, inspections, and contracts. (This is the difference between a fiduciary REALTOR® and a transactional agent.)

7. Approach to the Inmost Cave….like Indiana Jones

At this stage, the buyer feels the pressure—perhaps after losing out on a dream home in a fierce bidding war or seeing the ideal property slip through your fingers.

Hope starts to fade, and you question whether you’ll ever find the right home.

This is the build-up to the emotional low point. Imagine your favorite drama. Can you see the parallels?

8. The Ordeal (Abyss)

The buyer hits the depths of despair, feeling crushed by the weight of the process. You doubt your decision, worrying you’ll never find your dream home, or worse, you’ll make the wrong choice. It feels like all your effort has been in vain.

The abyss could represent a final, heartbreaking setback—like having your favorite home fall through after an inspection reveals unexpected damage.

9. Reward — Seizing the Sword

Just as hope seems lost, a new listing appears—the perfect charming cottage in a peaceful, small town.

With renewed determination, you the buyer (with the help of your agent) swoops in and makes an offer. This time, it’s accepted.

We navigate through the transaction.

The “ordeal” is over, and you’ve finally found what you’ve been searching for: a place that feels like home. (Queue the hot chocolate by the fire!)

10. The Road Back

The buyer prepares for the transition: closing paperwork, moving plans, and embracing your new life.

The once-daunting tasks now feel manageable with the support of your sensei, your mentor, your agent.

You have a new-found sense of confidence.

11. Resurrection

As you move into your new home, you’re transformed!

The journey has made you a home buying rockstar: more knowledgeable, resilient, and self-assured.

You have made the biggest financial decision of your life and taken the action to make it happen.

You feel a sense of accomplishment in finding a place that truly fits you, overcoming challenges that once seemed insurmountable.

12. Return with the Elixir (in Your Golden Goblet)

You, the buyer, settle into your new world, a serene cottage in a small town…or whatever and wherever you have decided to buy.

You have gained not only a beautiful home but also a deeper understanding of your values, priorities, and the joys of homeownership.

Your sidekick, Agent Susie, having served her role fades into the background, always there if needed for resources and connections but content in knowing she helped the buyer achieve your dream.

Does this hero’s journey remind you of a story you love? I love storytelling and mythological stories. Do tell!

Guiding home buyers through the emotional and practical trials of finding the perfect house is my own Call to Adventure. Sharing real estate knowledge and life experiences are key to helping my hero buyers navigate the challenges and adventure of home buying, leading you to the final reward: the new home that represents a fresh start in your  journey.

Susie Wyshak is the wizened real estate agent in a hero's journey to home

Home Buyer Hero’s Journey image generated by ChatGPT with a prompt by Susie Wyshak. Enjoy!

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